Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Renewing Gratitude, Renewing Hope

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. –Colossians 3:15

My friend Amy Azar, a missionary in South Africa, sent me this photo of people’s “homes” in Khaylitsha Township there. Take a long look at it. I’m sure your first thoughts will match mine: “Oh my God—I can’t believe people really live in those things. How awful!” No doubt this exclamation was accompanied by compassion and a desire, yet with some sense of powerlessness, to do something about it. That, however, is a subject for another post.

Today, I wonder if you see the thing that immediately arrested my attention in this photo, that is, that big, healthy-looking mass of green plants with bright yellow flowers beside the shack on the left. I marveled that in this scene of total desolation there is still a symbol of beauty and hope. I wondered if the flowers grew wild, a gift from God, or if some impoverished resident of indomitable spirit planted them there. Either way, they are a cause for hope.

As I pondered these things, I heard that still, small voice of God say to my heart, “There is always something to be thankful for.” These words pricked my heart, because I knew He was talking about me, not about poor South Africans.

I’ve had some struggles lately, and sometimes (OK, frequently) have given in to self-pity and internal grumbling. I say “internal” grumbling because, as a “mature Christian”, I know better than to complain loudly to people. But God sees—and hears—what goes on in the heart, and there’s no hiding it from Him. I knew I might as well ‘fess up and repent of an ungrateful heart.

Such a heart is an insidious enemy, because nothing freezes out intimacy with God faster than ingratitude. I know, because I speak from experience. It can make your most intimate Friend seem like a distant cousin in no time, and grieves His heart. It makes you painfully aware of what you lack and forget all the rich blessings you possess, skewing your view of reality. It cuts off fellowship with God, joy, life, and eventually makes you mean, cold and hard.

Conversely, nothing opens up the wellspring of God’s love, blessing, and companionship like a thankful heart. Gratitude in everything is like a sweet fragrance to the Lord that warms His heart and brings Him joy and glory. (It makes you smell better to everyone else, too.) It makes you soft, warm, joyful and compassionate. And gratitude begets more gratitude, first to God and then to others. It allows praise to rise in our hearts and gives us eyes to see the hand of God and his miracles, big and small, in all our circumstances, renewing hope for the future.

Yes, it’s better to be thankful than to be a whiner. So I have determined to make a habit of thanking God for specific things every day, and ending each day with thanks. Today, for example, I am thankful that my fourteen-year-old Sable is running well and that I get to prepare and serve dinner at a homeless shelter tonight.

Why don’t you join me? What are you thankful for today? Send me your list as a comment.


  1. Anonymous18:10

    Great post Betsy! Loved your Davy Crockett one also...Bec:)

  2. Anonymous18:56

    good one betsy! you're right, we need to cultivate a heart of gratitude at all times. thanks for the reminder.

  3. Wow Betsy. We all need this reminder! Thank you. And as for me, I am thankful for friends who remind us to be thankful! I am thankful for the longsuffering of our Lord who knows we are weak and struggle at times. I am tremendously grateful that He even redeems our "whiney" seasons and uses them to make us even more grateful! TEE HEE! I am ecstactic with gratitude for my husband who so graciously puts up with me when I am less than lovely at times in my attitudes and still takes me out to dinner and tells me I deserve it when I know I really don't. I am filled with gratitude for 9 precious children who are growing into the likeness of Christ in His own timing! I am thankful that my sister in law, father in law and brother in law are here right now and we are having a good ole time laughing up a storm at everything! And I am thankful that we have the opportunity everyday to think on the lovely things God has so graciously bestowed upon us and to testify of His ongoing goodness through the good times and the tough times.

  4. I'm thankful to be able to work with Steve Rooks this week! We have been dancing our feet off. Almost literally. I am icing them now. :) Thanks for your writing Betsy! Just read your amazing profile too.

  5. I just stumbled across your blog, but I must say I've enjoyed reading the posts I've had the time to so far.

    Something I'm thankful for: the work of the ONE Campaign to help those in Africa. :)
